
Monday, December 31, 2018

Plan with Me! December 31- January 6 2019

I absolutely love decorating my planner (planners lol). I thought I’d start sharing them with you so
maybe you could get some inspiration too. Can you believe that it is a new year already? Happy 2019 everyone, Make this your year. I know I will.

To the side is a photo of my week for December 31- January 6, 2019. 

Link to stickers I used this week:

Please don’t forget to like comment and follow for more of my posts. 

As always,

 Love you Lots BDancer<3

The Joy of Christmas Book Tag 2018

Hi everyone, 
It's been awhile since I've done a book tag. So today I thought I'd share with your The Joy of Christmas Book Tag that was created by Samantha at Novels and Nonsense on YouTube. Before we get in to the tag what are some of your favorite Christmas reads, let me know down below. Now let's hop on it to this tag and I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. 

1) Anticipation: The Christmas excitement is real, what book release(s) are you most anticipating?
For me anything Cassandra Claire and Sara J. Mass. I also can't wait for Sasha Alsberg's second book in her Androma series. 

2) Christmas Songs & Carols: What book or author can you not help but sing it's praises?
This year I really got in to the Sci-fi genera. I found so many books that were great. I really enjoyed The Starbound novels I read by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner, WarCross by Marie Lu, and Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. I would recommend that you check these out. I have reviews for WarCross and Ready Player One. Which you can check out by clicking the links.

3) Gingerbread Houses: What book or series has wonderful world building?
I really like the world building in The Crowns Games by Evelyn Sky. It's set in imperial Russia with some magical elements. This was super cool.

4) A Christmas Carol: Favorite classic or one that you want to read.
I don't really have one. Classics are not my thing, I just can't get in to them. Does anyone else feel this way? I end up falling asleep just tying to get                                                           through the first pages most of the time.

5) Christmas Sweets: What book would you love to receive for Christmas?
I would like to receive Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Mass.

6) Candles in the Window: What book gives you that warm fuzzy feeling?
I'm going to say Doon by  Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon. I don't really read a lot of contemporary which I think is what most people would be put for this answer. I tend to stay in the high fantasy or sic-fi genera. But I think Doon has a good love story that is sweet along with the                                                              fantasy side.

7) Christmas Trees & Decorations: What are some of your favorite book covers?
These are a few of my favorite book covers.

8) Christmas Joy: What are some of your favorite things about Christmas And/Or some of your favorite Christmas memories?
Some of my favorite things about Christmas are the decorations, food, and Nutcracker. I think my favorite decoration is having a Christmas tree in almost every room of my house. Their just so pretty. I also love having gingerbread at Christmas; it just wouldn't be Christmas with                                                                                          out having a Gingerbread man cookie. Lastly, I                                                                                        love getting to be in the ballet of the Nutcracker                                                                                      Suite. This production just makes my holiday.

Please don’t forget to like comment and follow for more of my posts. 

As always,

 Love you Lots BDancer<3

Monday, December 17, 2018

Plan with Me! December 17-23

I absolutely love decorating my planner (planners lol). I thought I’d start sharing them with you so
maybe you could get some inspiration too.

To the side is a photo of my week for December 17-23.

Link to stickers I used this week:
I just used washi tape. 

Please don’t forget to like comment and follow for more of my posts. 

As always,

 Love you Lots BDancer<3

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Plan with Me! Decmebr 10-16

I absolutely love decorating my planner (planners lol). I thought I’d start sharing them with you so
maybe you could get some inspiration too.

To the side is a photo of my week for December 10-16.

Link to stickers I used this week:

Please don’t forget to like comment and follow for more of my posts. 

As always,

 Love you Lots BDancer<3

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Plan with Me! December3-9

I absolutely love decorating my planner (planners lol). I thought I’d start sharing them with you so
maybe you could get some inspiration too.

To the side is a photo of my week for December 3- 9.

Link to stickers I used this week:

Please don’t forget to like comment and follow for more of my posts. 

As always,

 Love you Lots BDancer<3